
Friday, April 12, 2013

My life today

I took my son to the park today and I was really able to see his growth. We have this wonderful park near our home and haven't been back since winter. We went all the time last year and he would toddle around, graduate to the mini slides, and chuck the bark. But today I saw him climb, run, balance and use the biggest twirl slide there. His babyhood is behind us and we are in full blown toddler mode.
It should come with a warning label lol if it did I imagine it would read like this,
Warning: do not engage when tired or hungry.
Caution when tantrums ensue.
Do not show fear.
Pick your battles wisely. 
Sticky fingers not optional.
Look out for flying projectiles.
Silence is not a good thing. 
Caution will steal your heart.
So cute its hard to stay mad.
Warning you will fall hard (in love)
Tiny hugs are the best
And being called mommy will melt you into a puddle of mush

Yes toddlers are like pendulums. Back and forth from monster to I have the cutest kid ever. Being a mom is the best. I love it all. There are days I cherish, days I want over, days I cry cause it goes to fast and days I wish I could hold onto forever.
Today is one of those days. My son is two and is growing up so fast. Today gave me a glimpse of the boy he's changing into and the man ill meet one day. So I'm grateful for these moments of clarity, that I can just be in the moment, love where he is and know I'm gonna miss this one day.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Life tips

You know when your kid and you can't wait to grow up. To stay up late eat candy all day and dance around to your favorite tunes. Lol basically kids want to be kids but with no rules. Funny how when you grow up you go to bed cause your tired, and naps are missed, and you only eat ice cream when your stressed. 
I wish I could have maybe appreciated childhood more. The endless days of play and care free moments. Not saying it wasn't without stress or hard times. But I really didn't have the amount of responsibility I do now. 
So as adults how can we be more spontaneous, be more silly, play games, have fun and enjoy life more? 
Well some tips I've found that have really helped me are:

1: PRAY, let The Lord help carry your burdens, he really well help.

2: STRETCH, BREATH, LAUGH, sometimes five minutes to just be quiet or laugh stretch and breath does wonders.

3: GO OUTSIDE, seems simple and duh but seriously sunshine and fresh air help center us and bring a new energy to our souls.

4: YOGA/MEDITATION: taking some time for you and just focus on breathing, and exercise is very helpful to release stress.

5: LEARN TO SAY NO, this one has been the hardest for me. I am a people pleaser and I don't like to say no. But I'd find myself saying he's yes yes and feeling stretched to thin tired cranky and not happy. Do what you can but its healthy to say NO once in awhile.

6: DRINK WATER, drink lots listen to your body and drink it down :) to make it more fun freeze berries into ice cubes or add a lemon or cucumber yummy.

Hope these tips help and remember the perks to being an adult use em or lose em.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Life Questions?


So i have some QUESTIONS?

Q1: what drives us, emotions, logic or a internal value system. For me it's abit of all three but I feel I must stick first with my value system even when it makes others uncomfortable or offended. In today's world that can happen alot.

Q2: Why do I seem to really be broken hearted over certain injustices that the rest of the world seems to choose blindness to? I realize ignorance is bliss and now I avoid the news etc but some things should be fought for, like child abuse, or sex slavery, or even our food and how it's being produced. Not saying our food system is as bad as se slavery but it is pretty bad.

Q 3: how do I be a good friend? I am a friend to others how I want to be treated or how I feel they want me to treat them but I also feel like I may not be what others want from me! Anyone else feel this way ;)

Q 4: how do we find true peace and love for all? Still working on this one post soon when I find it if I can type on the other side. 

Q 5: what is matter, spiritually speaking, energy, stardust etc? I realize we are made from this but what is this exactly. I'm not anxious to die but I know when I do I'll have a bigger list of questions. 

Q 6: Why does a rhino have such a big horn? 
Thanks to google I was able to learn why!
"Some kinds of rhinos use their horns for self-defense. (Those who don’t have sharp front teeth that they use instead.) Rhinos also use their horns forguiding younger rhinos and showing them where to go, for digging in the ground, and for attracting other rhinos

Rhino horns are a little bit different than those of most other horned animals, whose horns are attached to the their skulls, because the horns on a rhino are not! Instead of being part of the skull bone, rhinos’ horns are made of something called “keratin” -- it’s the same thing your hair and fingernails are made from! -- Cool!" From  by  (whyzz writer)

Q 7: why does Edward love Bella? In all the books I still can't figure this one out, don't get me wrong i love twighlight  and am glad  Stephenie Meyer is a love Goddess, but in reality I don't think so....I. Not team anyone cause I love them both, but in real life Jacob is the better choice. Anyway this question certainly isn't very deep but it is interesting lol

Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Past Life

I have been thinking about what to post and what id like to share, and Ive decided a little history lesson could be fun and maybe learn something too!
I was born in San Diego and my parents divorced when i was 5. My dad kinda left the scene for a bit and my mom sold and flipped real estate so she could stay home with me. Because of this i went to 2 kindergarten's, 2 first grades, stayed in the same place for 2nd-3rd and moved for fourth, moved for fifth, new school for 6, stayed the same till 8th grade then went to three 8th grades, moved for 9th, moved for tenth and moved for 11th. i finally graduated online. lol.
Due to some personal circumstances i moved out at 17 and was married right around my 18th birthday.
I look back sometimes and wonder who that person was and what was i thinking. but then i realize the main purpose of life is to learn, grow and come unto Christ. Check, i have and am still doing those things. so i can be a little less hard on myself. but ill share some of what i learned from 18 to 24.
David (EX) joined the Army after we were hitched and we moved to a small town in NY called watertown NY.
There i learned what it meant to be a soldiers wife. Things like gear, rank, time and community all took on a whole new meaning. And then there were trainings and deployments. David deployed to Iraq 4 weeks after we moved to NY and was gone till just before Christmas almost a whole year.
That first deployment was the hardest but we both were different when he got back.
He was raised LDS and going in another direction. I was raised less active and came back full swing.
He deployed again a year later for 16 months to Afghanistan and that to was hard, but i was a soldiers wife, tough, strong and loyal.
Anyway during theses years i learned patients, service, and how to bear a hard thing for an extended period. How to love from a distance and became very active in our ward. Letting go of the life i lived and the person i thought i was, was definitely the hardest part. I had been creating an image of who i thought i was and when divorce is rearing its ugly head, you strip yourself of all that was and wonder whats left, who are you. that's when trusting in God needs to happen. That's when faith is essential, because its through our Heavenly Father that he can rebuild you, and help you become the person your meant to be.
Once David came home it was clear we were not on the same page but we had been to the temple and i didn't want to just give up, so for a year we worked on it. lol i say we, well I BELIEVED we, key word believe. I learned later that it was pretty much just me, anyway David and i got a divorce and i think we both are happier. For me i know i am where I'm meant to be. Where God placed me, and there is peace and comfort in knowing, knowing i did all i could and knowing I'm where i should be.
Its been a long journey and definitely been hard and Ive cried a few times. but as i look back I'm so Grateful for what i have and to see Gods hand in my life. I am so BLESSED. and i know that even though times can be hard and stretch us beyond what we think is comfortable, that learning to be flexible and trusting helps us through it and we become stronger more humble people.
Chad and i have a song that we claimed called, God bless the broken road by Rascal Flatts. it fits us so well. I wanted to share this because i know that in the LDS community divorce isn't talked about much and doesn't happen too often. i wanted to share that for those of us who took a LEFT turn it can turn out all RIGHT!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My blessed life

Hi :)
So after we became parents to our angel baby Easton, we kinda just drifted along, experiencing some major downs and days that almost felt normal. But as I just kept breathing and going through each day I noticed I could breath a bit easier this day or this night. I will always miss him but I have come to a place of acceptance (not like) just accept. 
So a bit of back history, bare with me. I've had a really good friend since highschool that I adore. And we were pregnant at the same time. But she miscarried at 9 weeks and I had Easton early. Then 7-8 months after our loss we found out that we (my friend) were pregnant again at the same time.
I miscarried at 6 weeks and she asked us to adopt.
I won't tell her story but she is a part of ours. My friend came to live with us and we had a wonderful 7 months together. We so enjoyed spending this time with her and being apart of "our" pregnancy. 
We felt our baby kick, hiccup, and move. We went to every appointment and Chad got to cut the cord.
We are now part of a new family. And we also have a son. His name is Phoenix and he is amazing, brilliant, funny, handsome, athletic, and adorable. (I'm having a normal my kid is awesome moment)
Through these last three years I've learned lots of new things and alot about my self.
First I've learned that if you truly love and put that first, it all works out. Love can conquer all but you have to work for it. 
Phoenix is two now and is our love and joy. Being an adoptive mom I hear all kinds of things and sometimes it is negitive, but I smile in the end because I know better. I know the love his BMom has for him and for us. I know that we are all a family and each member is important. I know what real love is and what being a parent truly means. I know how to accept hard things and work through them. I know that God is watching, blessing and loving us. 
I used to think God was superman and that he should save me. I'd be angry or hurt and wonder why me, but as I've grown and matured, I've learned God is there to help us through it, not out of it. 
Knowing this has changed my life. I can now put my trust in him and let go and that is true FREEDOM. 
I always had to know everything so I could prepare for it all, but once I truly let go and trusted that He would see me through not just take it away I could accept what is and what's to come.
I can live in the moment better and just be.
I'm not saying to not plan ever or sail through with no concerns. No, we should always think, learn grown, try and trust. This is just how I overcame a hard obstacle of mine and the freedom I have discoverd in learning to trust and let go.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The saga continues life and loss

Hey there,
So to continue on the story of my roller coaster happily ever after....Chad and I were married and wanted to have kids pretty soon, which most of the world would now be asking....why? Lol well in our culture having a short engagement, honeymoon baby and ten kids to follow all while keeping house, cooking , growing your own garden, plan and execute a year of food storage, serve in callings and at the ward level, love everyone, continue education and manage all relationships etc is normal, so in that perspective I was actually "late" haha but I always have marched to my own drum.
But truthfully since i can remember i have wanted to be a mom. I craved it, breathed it and followed it like a cop in pursuit. But I didn't achieve it in my first marriage. That's right I said first. Chad and I were married after I was divorced in 2009. Maybe ill post about that closed book some other time but I digress, chad and I wanted kids and decided to go for it. Now I had not been able to achieve a pregnancy ever, so I had some big doubts it would ever happen. But I started this new thing called natural family planning and charting and doing things like checking my cervical mucus and charting temps that resembled a heartbeat monitor and peeing on opk sticks. Luckily all these things together gave me what I wanted, I was pregnant and our our first try using NFP. I couldn't believe it.
That moment those two pink lines showed up I felt like I had just been told I was the richest person ever. But it was better than money, I was going to be a mom. My cheeks hurt the rest of the day, I couldn't stop smiling. 
But soon after I started spotting and it continued till I had my son at 17 weeks. My water broke to early and infection set in and I went through the hardest experience of my life. pPROM. There is the me before pregnancy and the new me. I now know that counting down to 12 weeks means nothing. I now know the price of life and how short it is. I will never look at two pink lines the same way again. And I will always have a piece of my heart in heaven.
Now this is pretty personal heavy stuff, but I figure if I share it and someone learns how to help someone through a loss it's a good thing. 
Loss of any kind is so hard, I'm so grateful for my testimony and believe I will see Easton again. But it still hurts to miss them, and hurts when others act like I shouldn't or should "get over it". 
So some tips for loss are,
ACKNOWLEDGE it, so big even now. I feel better when I'm validated don't you.
SUPPORT, doesn't mean you'll always know what to say or it won't be awkward but sticking around anyway.
LOVE, love em up, even if they need it from a distance.
BABY, I loved receiving things in honor of my son.
TIME, it takes time to heal, and don't put an expedition date on it.
These are simple things but really help so much.
Losing Easton is my strongest and weakest life experience, and yet I learned I can keep going I can have faith to try again and I can. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

hello world this is me and my life :)

I've wanted to blog for awhile now but ya'know how it goes, between school, kids, career, marriage, groceries, love, and everything in between (not necessarily in that order) sometimes what we want gets put on a mental list of to dos that somehow keep getting pushed back. So today I pushed and ta'da, loving the freedom, the creativity to share and express my life, the world in which I live and see.
So some introductions should come next, I'm Kelley Price aka: Mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and health coach.
I spend my days being a homemaker/wonderwoman nestled in the Utah mountains of the wasacth. and before we take our relationship any further i should tell you right now I'm a tree hugging, Eco loving, recyclable bag user, organic garden wanting mom. There i said it and hopefully you also find out that I am a deep soul, full of love and enjoy long conversation and plenty of sunshine.( do you feel like your reading a dating site profile yet lol) but most of all i love my family and am so wonderfully blessed it scares me.
I am married to a Mr. Chad Price, and it will be four years this May. How we meet in Utah is so unusual you might want to sit down for this (if your not already) a singles ward. Yes that was a teeny bit of sarcasm :) In Utah that's very common, right there at church, school or we grew up together.
So glad that your here to share and learn and get to know us. Thanks for dropping by and hopefully we can connect again soon.
Chow Kelley